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Xero - FAQ Page

Frequently asked questions about Oolio-Xero Integration

Updated over a week ago


The Oolio POS-Xero Integration enables sales and takings information to be automatically posted as an invoice to the connected Xero account each time that a shift is closed in the Oolio POS.

This guide covers some of the frequently asked questions about the integration.

What information is exported to Xero?

Oolio POS exports to Xero the following information:

  • Sales (per Reporting Group)

  • Takings (per Payment Type)

Can I send sales information to different Xero accounts?

Xero will create one export file per shift per Oolio POS account. If there are multiple shifts configured, both exports use the same configuration so they will be posted into the same Xero Account as two separate invoices.

Why is the total on my invoice $0

Xero requires invoices to be 'balanced' so there is nothing owing on the invoice. This means that all of the sales and takings figures need to balance each other in the opposite direction with positive (+) and negative values (-)

  • The invoice value will be $0.00

  • Sales Revenue Inclusive of Discounts, Surcharges will appear with positive (+) values

  • Payment data will appear with negative values (-)

Why am I missing GL accounts in the linking screen?

Only accounts with supported account types and configurations will be listed in the dropdown menus in the linking screens. The most common two reasons are the CL accounts are;

  • Xero GL account is not a supported account type

  • Xero GL account does not have 'Enable Payments to this account' selected

What is the difference between Draft & Approved?

Xero invoices can be exported in two different invoice states (Draft & Approved)

  • Draft state will export information as a $0 Draft invoice. Payments will be written to the invoice as negative line items and Revenue will be written as positive line items (balancing out the invoice to $0). The draft is an invoice in an unfinalised state, so everything can be edited.

  • Approved state will send the invoice to Xero to be automatically marked as approved. This state means that Xero will apply actual payments to the invoice which moves it from a draft state into Approved. This means that the invoice is finalised, and can not be edited. *This method should only be used in cases where the invoices have been consistently balanced and there is no requirement to review or make any adjustments once an invoice is posted to Xero.

Can I sync 'On Account' sales to Xero?

The sales and takings values are included in their respective totals that are exported to Xero once the balance of the customer account has been paid. The individual invoices for the customer account is not supported in this integration.

We are working on enhancing this feature in the future and the details will be in the Release Notes once it is available.

Can I manually export my Xero invoice?

Currently, this feature is not supported however our team is working on implementing this feature as we understand how valuable it can be when initially integrating between POS and Xero.

If an invoice is missing from your usual export schedule, please reach out to our support team so that we can export the missing information for you.

Phone: 1300 166 546 or Email [email protected]

Can I sync past sales to Xero?

Similarly to the above, manual export feature is not currently supported, but our team can assist you with exporting previous dates invoices.

Phone: 1300 166 546 or Email [email protected]

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