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Mapping GL Accounts to Xero

This article will explain how to map Sales & Takings data to GL Accounts in Xero

Updated over a week ago


The Oolio POS-Xero Integration enables sales and takings information to be automatically posted as an invoice to the connected Xero account each time that a shift is closed in the Oolio POS.

Oolio POS exports to Xero the following information:

  • Sales (per Reporting Group)

  • Takings (per Payment Type)

This guide covers the steps required to map the sales & takings information in Oolio POS, to the correct GL Accounts in Xero.

*Prior to mapping the GL Accounts, the integration must be completed and the GL accounts configured in Xero;

Xero Settings page

Navigate to the Xero Settings page in the Oolio POS back office to link or edit the required information to existing GL Accounts in Xero.

  • In the navigation panel on the left-hand side of the Oolio POS back office, select the features section

  • Select the Integrations Tab at the top of the screen

  • Select the Xero icon

  • Next select the Settings Tab at the top of the screen

  • Select the store to be configured

  • Begin mapping the GL Accounts by selecting the dropdown menus for each of the sections as described below;

Invoice Prefixes

The Invoice Prefix section of the configuration page allows the name and state of the invoice that will be sent to Xero to be pre-configured.

Invoice Prefix

  • The Invoice Prefix is a text field, so this can be custom labeled

  • The invoice number will be a combination of this prefix and the shift number automatically generated in the Oolio POS ie. INV-123

Create Recon. Invoice As

  • The invoice can be sent in the following states;

    • Draft - This option exports the invoice as a draft invoice that can be edited in Xero. *This invoice requires a manual approval process in Xero.

    • Approved - This option will send the invoice in an approved state that can not be edited in Xero. *This will automatically apply payments to this invoice in Xero.

Default Accounts

The Default Accounts section determines which GL accounts should be used in the absence of individual or missing configurations or mapping in other sections of the configuration within the Oolio POS ie. missing reporting groups on products

Default Income Account

  • Map the Oolio POS sales to a Revenue GL account in Xero

  • This figure is a calculation of all the items ordered & paid for during this shift

  • If reporting groups are not mapped, then this will be the default sales GL Account

  • If an item is not allocated to a reporting group, then the sales will report to this GL Account

Variance Account

  • Map the variance to a Takings Clearing GL account in Xero

  • A variance is the difference between expected and actual totals in the reconciliation feature when closing a shift

Tip Account

  • Map the tips to a Current Liability GL Account in Xero

Payment Surcharge Account

  • Map payment type surcharges to a Revenue GL account in Xero

  • This could be a separate GL account or to the same GL account that the sales are mapped to

  • If mapped, the payment type surcharges will generate a separate line on the invoice

Money In/Out Account

  • Map the Money In/Out to an Expense GL account in Xero

  • Negative and positive Money IN/Out activity will be grouped and then posted to the invoice as two separate line items in the invoice

  • The individual transactions are not posted ie. petty cash

Cash Rounding Account

  • Map the cash rounding to a Current Liability GL account in Xero

  • Rounding occurs only on cash sales where required to balance accounts

Income Tax Codes

The tax codes from Oolio POS need to be mapped to the existing Xero codes so that the tax can be calculate on the invoice posted to Xero for each line item.

Tax Free

  • GST Free on income (0)

No Tax

  • BAS Excluded (0)


  • GST on Income (10)

Payment Types

These clearing GL accounts are used so that takings can be reconciled against the actual funds that are deposited into the bank account(s).

*Payments can not be mapped to a bank account or a locked account

*'Enable payments to this account' must be enabled in the GL account for these GL Accounts to be visible and mapped from this screen


  • Map card takings to a Current Asset GL Account

    • ie. POS Card Clearing Account


  • Map online takings to a Current Asset GL Account

    • ie. POS Online Payments Clearing Account

Manual EFT

  • Map manual EFT takings to a Current Asset GL Account

  • Usually this is mapped to the same GL accounts as integrated card payments

    • ie. POS Card Clearing Account


  • Map cash takings to a Current Asset GL Account

    • ie. POS Cash Clearing Account


  • Payment types are configurable, so there may be more than the default payments shown above.

  • Map additional payment types to corresponding Clearing GL Accounts in the Xero account.

Reporting Groups

Reporting Groups is a feature configured in the Oolio POS back office and are then assigned to products at item level. Mapping reporting groups will allow the sales of these products to be exported to separate GL accounts in Xero.

Reporting Groups

  • Map the Oolio POS sales to Revenue GL accounts in Xero per reporting group

  • Multiple reporting groups can be mapped to the same GL account

  • This figure is a calculation of all the products ordered & paid for during this shift, per reporting group

  • If reporting groups are not mapped, then the sales will be allocated to the default income GL account set in the defaults section above

  • If a product is not allocated to a reporting group, then the sales will report to the default income GL account

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