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Reports: Sales Summary

Understand your Sales Summary Reports & all its functionality

Updated over a week ago

Reports: Sales Summary

The Sales Summary gives you a comprehensive view of sales including Number of Sales, Net Sales , Tax Amount, Total, and Sales Average which can be broken down by the day, week or month or Hour

This updates every 10 mins

In this article:



  1. To access your ' Sales Feed ' => In your Back Office => Reports => Sales Summary :

2. You can start by selecting your preferred dates:

  • Grouped By: Daily, Weekly, Monthly

  • Hours: By Preset time frames or Custom Hour Range.

  • Date Range: Use the calendar icon to select your day / date range

  • All Day: Apply a starting / Ending time to be more precise

  • Venues: if you have multiple venues: filter by venue or all venues

3. Hover above a date / dot on the chart to display its Sales Amount:

4. Compare your Sales by Days to understand your most popular days of trading, hover on a column to display it's amount:

( for example: here Friday does the highest sales amount based by monthly analysis )

5. Compare your Sales by Hours to understand your most popular time(s) of trading, hover on a time column to display it's amount:

( for example: here 7pm / 19h is the time generating the most sales )

6. Sales Summary: Understand your Sales Summary by columns: click on the ' Eye Icon ' to hide or display more data columns & easily compare:

  • Date / Range: Report Day/week/Month or Custom Date range

  • Sales Count: Number of sales within the period you selected ( day, week, month, ... )

  • Customers: Total number of guests recorded against the orders for the period selected.

  • Net Sales = Total Collected - (Tax +Tips +Cash Rounding + Payment Surcharge )

  • Taxes: The total amount tax collected in the set time range.

  • Tips: The total amount of collected tips from the payment terminal or online store in the set time range.

  • Sales Amount = Net Sales + Taxes

  • Sales Average = Average sale value for the day/month/week or with specified filters. This will be calculated by sales amount divided by the number of sales.

  • Cash Rounding: For Cash payments: there might be a rounding difference positive or negative ( for example: $ 9.97 will be cashed off as $ 9.95 therefore generate a $ -0.02 difference & $ 9.98 will be cashed off as $ 10 therefore generate a $ +0.02 difference in the reports )

  • Payment Surcharge: Total Payment Surcharged collected from Payment Terminal & Online Store for period selected.

  • Surcharge:Total Order level surcharge like Public Holiday or Weekend Surcharge collected over the selected period.

  • Discount: Total Discounts on items or on orders collected over the selected period

  • Refund Count: how many refunds have been applied to that day / date range

  • Refund Amount: Total amount of refunds applied to that day / date range

  • Total Collected =Total Amount collected from the sales during the selected period. Includes Net Sales, Taxes, Tips, Payment Surcharge & Cash Rounding.

7. Advanced Filters: click on the ' Filter Icon ' to organise your sales amount by:

  • Sales Channels: In Store, Online ( if you have an online store ), Doordash, Uber Eats, .. depending on what your business offers

  • Devices: If you have more than 1 device ( POS, mPOS, iPad, ... ) you can see the sales of that one particular device.


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