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All CollectionsEnd Of Day Reconciliation
Understanding Shift Summary
Understanding Shift Summary

Find the definitions of each of the fields found on the Shift Summary

Updated over a year ago

What is a Shift Summary?

A shift summary is a report generated based on your end-of-day reconciliation. This report is often accessed by or given to the bookkeeper so that they can compare this to the takings that arrived in the actual bank accounts or the accounting software for the business.

Shift Information

Shift Number

An ID number is automatically generated and assigned to the end-of-day report once a shift is created on a POS device

Device name

The name of the device on the shift is performed


The Store shift end was completed at

Opened By

The staff member who opened the shift

Created At

The date and time the shift was opened

Close By

The staff member who performed shift end. If the shift is active, it will display the pending

Closed At

The date and time the till was closed


The system total expected from all sales for the period, inclusive of money ins and outs, and refunds


The counted amount is the totals entered during the closure of the shift


This is the variance between the expected and the actual amounts

Payment Breakdown

This focuses on the payment methods within the chosen report. Under each payment method, see the payments, refunds, money in/out, and tips - all contributing to the recorded, counted, and variance amounts.

The Total Collected for Card & Online Payment Types represents the total amount that has been processed via integrated payments. The Total Collected will include the payment surcharge, if any.

Sales Summary

Number of Sales

Number of sales orders that have been completed during the shift

Transaction Count

Total number of transactions completed during the selected shift for all payment types

Refund Count

The total number of refunded transactions during the selected shift for all payment type

Gross Sales

The overall revenue from sales transactions within the selected shift before deducting discounts, surcharges & returns


Gross Sales of the products that are in the refund transactions.


The total of discounts added to sales, including manual discounts & automatic discounts


The total of surcharges added to sales, including manual surcharges & automatic surcharges

This doesn't include the payment surcharge

Net Sales

Total amount of product sales in the shift after sales, returns & discounts are deducted

Tax Amount

Total Tax amount collected for products sold in the shift

Sales Amount

Sales Revenue generated by products sold within the shift


Total Tips collected on all Payment Types

Cash Rounding

Total cash rounding number that have been added/removed to the order while completing a cash payment

Payment Surcharge

Payment surcharge collected as a result of processing Card & Online payments


Total Revenue generated in the shift, including Tips & Payment surcharge

Sales Average

Average sales per the shift. Net Sales/Total Number of Sales

Cost of Sales

If a 'Cost Price' has been input on each of the product's product settings it will display here

Total Profit

The sell price minus the cost price of a product

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