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Using ' Accounts ' in POS

Set a Tab for your customers they can pay later

Updated over a year ago

Use an Account / Tab

For your Regulars coming daily

Decide what their Order Limit & Credit Limits are

& get them to pay on the day or later!

In this Article:


In order to use the Accounts feature, it first needs to be Enabled on your Back Office & Set Up to your Customer / Customers

Learn how to Set Up ' Accounts ' in this article:


  1. To make sure your changes from the Back Office reflect in your POS,

    go to the Navigation Menu ' . . . ' => Settings => Sync Data:

Add a Customer's Order to their Account / Tab:

1. In your Cart => Add your Customer before or while taking the order:

2. Search your Customer:

3. You can see the name of your Customer appearing on top of the screen:


⚠️ If you haven't selected your Customer yet, you can still do so in your payment screen:

⚠️ To use the account as a payment: your order cannot be higher than the Order Limit you have set in your Back Office:

( Your customer can use another method of payment, split the payment & pay $20 or less with Accounts or you can change the limits in the Back Office )

5. You can choose ' On Account ' as a form of payment:

6. A Pop-Up will appear asking you to confirm:

⚠️ Accounts Orders can only be seen from the Customer's settings, once paid, you can access them, reprint, refund for Order History

Verify Customer's Balance & take the payment:

Now that our Customer has come a few times, they want to check the account balance and pay

  1. In your POS => Go to Navigation ' . . . ' => Customers:

2. Search for a Customer:

There are 2 ways to take the payment:

  • 1. Click on the ' Dollar Icon ' directly:


  • 2. Click on the Customer to see all their previous unpaid Orders => Pay Balance:

  1. A Pop-Up will ask: how much you would you like to pay?

The default amount is the totality of the bill => Choose the amount => Set Amount:

2. You will be redirected to the payment screen and can the take the full payment or split as usual:

( to learn more about Split Payment, see this article: SPLIT BY AMOUNT vs BY PRODUCT )

Refund a Paid Order:

To Refund a Paid Order is always the same process, whether using Accounts or not

To learn more about Refunding Order, see this article:


Once your ' Accounts ' feature is Enabled in your Back Office, you can start using it in your POS right away, with existing or new Customers

To open a new account:

  1. Take the order

  2. Select your existing customer in your cart or payment page, or create a new customer ( Learn how to add new customers in this article: ADD CUSTOMERS (POS) )

  3. Click ' On Account ' :

4. Enable Account Payment:

5. By Default your Limits are set as:

  • $100 per Order

  • $1000 Total Credit

Those Limits can then be changed in the Back Office

( see article: CHANGE ORDER LIMITS )

6. Click ' On Accounts ' to add the order to that customers account:

see above to learn how to pay the balance of an Account


Learn how your Customers using ' On Accounts ' is seen on your Sales Report

  1. In your Back Office => Reports => Shift Summaries :

2. Select the Shift you want to display:

3. On the Bottom of the summary are displayed the transactions using ' On Accounts ' &

the Payments made :


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