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Set up Loyalty

Learn how to Reward your Loyal Customers

Updated over a year ago

The LOYALTY Feature allows you to create a Reward system,

decided by you, to thank your loyal Customers

  • Offer a Discount on a Product

    for example: every $10 spent, get 50% off a Product

  • Offer a Discount on the Entire Sale

    for example: 50% off every $50 spent

  • Offer a Free Product

for example: buy 9 get 1 free

In this Article:


  1. In your Back Office => Features => Loyalty => ENABLE

  2. Now that ' Loyalty ' is Enabled, you can see that your Settings Menu have an extra Category under Customers: Loyalty

  3. Go to Loyalty to start applying your Rewards Rules:


Here you can decide how you want to reward your loyal Customers:

  • Offer a Free Product

  • Offer a Discount

1. Details

  1. SINGULAR TERM: Point. You can use ' Points ' by default of choose another name,

    for example: Star

    per $ 1 spent, earn 1 star !

  2. PLURAL TERM: Simply use the Singular term & make it Plural or create your own

3. Edit by typing the new name wanted => SAVE

2. Earning Rules

Define the rules of spending:

Every $1 spent can earn 1 point, but you can decide that $10 spent will earn 1 point

Edit the existing example by clicking the ' Pen Icon ' or create a new one using the ➕

  1. Earn by ' AMOUNT SPENT ' : Spend $10, earn 1 point, get a free coffee every 5 points !

  2. Earn by ' PRODUCT PURCHASE ' : Buy 9 Coffees, get 1 for Free !

  3. AMOUNT SPENT: Every time our Customer is spending $1, they will be rewarded 1 Point

  4. INCLUDE TAX: Most businesses include their taxes in their Products, so by default, your GST is applied and you don't need to worry about this.

    (If you chose to exclude the GST from your Products: here you can choose to also exclude it & pass it on to your customers and absorbs it in the reward.)

  5. POINTS EARNED: Every time our Customer is spending $1, they will be rewarded 1 Point

  6. VENUES: If you have a Multi-Venue Business: you can choose to apply this to All your venues or just 1


In this example:

1 coffee or Tea is worth 1 Point


( regardless of milk choices, coffee size, ... )

  1. Edit using the ' Pen Icon ' :

a. Select => earn by: ' Product Purchase ' => define how many points can be earned, in our case: 1 Point => Select Products

b. Add all the Products that will accumulate Points toward a reward:

If you have different size Coffees: you can choose to add or not a certain size towards the discount, for example: only Medium / Large Cappuccinos will had points.

=> Edit Rule

c. To set up the Reward Rules, Go to: Reward by: PRODUCT DISCOUNT

b. Earn by: AMOUNT SPENT

In this example:

Earn 1 Point for every $5 spent


( regardless of the Product )

c. To set up the Reward Rules, Go to: Reward by: DISCOUNT ENTIRE SALE

⚠️ A single Venue Cannot create Multiple Earning Rewards:

3. Reward Rules

Time to create the Reward: you can now decide what points will give as a reward to your customer

Edit the existing example by clicking the ' Pen Icon ' or create a new one using the ➕

  1. REWARD NAME: Choose a Reward name that make sense to you & your Customers

  2. REWARD TYPE: Choose which reward suits your needs:

    • Discount on the Entire Sale (ex: every $100 get 50% off your purchase, up to $20)

    • Discount on a Product (ex: buy 2, get 50% the 3rd Product)

    • Free Product (ex: buy 9 get 1 free)

  3. REWARD VALUE: This shows how many points a customer needs to be able to get the Reward.

  4. DISCOUNT AMOUNT: Choose if the discount will be applied as a Percentage % or as an Amount $ and set a Value for it.

  5. MAXIMUM DISCOUNT: Customers can get several rewards if they come to your Venue a lot, here you can set a limit for the discounts you can give at once ( amount $ only )

  6. VENUES: If you have a Multi-Venue Business: you can choose to apply this to All your venues or just 1

a. Reward by: ' PRODUCT DISCOUNT '

Every $10 spent, get 50% off a Product

  1. Edit your Reward Rule using the ' Pen Icon ' :

2. Fill up the fields:

  • Reward Name: Create a ' Reward Name ' (this will show on the Bill)

  • Reward Type: Product Discount

  • Reward Value: Every 10 points accumulated, the reward is applied

  • Discount Amount: can be set by amount $ or percentage % , here we want to give 50% off on 1 Product.

  • Maximum Discount: you can set a maximum discount, for example: no item above $20 can be offered. ( Better used when discount is applied on Entire Sale, or if used on all Products: including expensive wines, ... )

  • Venues: If you have several venues, tick the ones where your Loyalty will apply

3. Select Products:

4. Add all the Products that will receive the Discount by searching them & adding them using the ➕ => Edit Reward

( Remove them using: ❌ )


50% on Entire Order every $50 spent

  1. Edit your Reward Rule using the ' Pen Icon ' :

  2. Fill up the fields:

    • Reward Name: Create a ' Reward Name ' (this will show on the Bill)

    • Reward Type: Discount Entire Sale

    • Reward Value: Every 10 points accumulated, the reward is applied

    • Discount Amount: can be set by amount $ or percentage % , here we want to give 50% off on the whole bill.

    • Maximum Discount: If your customer decide to spend $500, you might not want to give 50% off, by adding a Maximum Discount: $20 for example, you avoid loss on sale.

3. Edit Reward:

c. Reward by: FREE ITEM

  1. Edit your Reward Rule using the ' Pen Icon ' :

2. Fill up the fields:

  • Reward Name: Create a ' Reward Name ' (this will show on the Bill)

  • Reward Type: Free Item

  • Reward Value: Every 9 products purchased, the reward is applied.

    (Earning by: Product)

  • Venues: If you have several venues, tick the ones where your Loyalty will apply

3. Select Products:

4. Add all the Products that will receive the Discount by searching them & adding them using the ➕ => Edit Reward

( Remove them using: ❌ )


Learn how the Loyalty Feature works in your POS & how to use with your Customers,

in this article:


When a Customer is enrolled in Loyalty:

you can check their balance, history & adjust points if needed

  1. In your Back Office => Go to ' Customers ' :

2. Search & select a customer => click on that customer :

3. Under ' Loyalty ' => you can see the points balance, Adjust points if needed,see previous rewards activity & points collected :


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