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Allergen Warnings

Learn how to configure and view allergen warnings from the Front of House POS.

Updated over a year ago

What are Allergen Warnings?

Allergen Warnings is a feature that can be enabled or disabled within Oolio Backoffice. Products can then be configured with tags of potential allergens in which staff can view from the Front of House.

Enabling Allergen Warnings

Start by heading to the Features Tab within the Backoffice

Select Allergens and Enable

Click on Enable

Allergen Warnings may only be required on specific devices, to continue the set up, head to Settings, My Store, then Device Profiles

Once in Device Profiles, select the relevant profile allergen warnings are desired on and select the Options Tab

Here ensure the Enable Allergens toggle is selected

Click on Enable Allergens

Always remember to Sync the POS upon re-entering

Configuring Allergen Warnings for Products

Once the feature has been enabled, under the Product Settings a new Allergens field will be displayed under Attributes

Enter all relevant information for each product

Click on Attributes…

Allergen Warnings with the POS

After enabling the feature and configuring products, staff will now be able to view this within the POS

At the top of the cart a filter icon will appear, select this to then further second which Allergens are required to display warnings

All products with the relevant Allergens tagged will then be displayed as orange with a warning label

Upon selecting the product, a pop-up will appear informing the staff member this product includes allergens

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