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Doshii: Set Up (Uber Eats, DoorDash)

Learn to Set Up Doshii, receive orders, refund, accept & reject orders, ...

Updated over a week ago

Learn how to use DOSHII

  • Set Up Doshii

  • Edit your Preferences

  • Learn how to: Accept, Reject Orders

  • Refund Doshii orders

In this article:


To start setting up your Doshii account: you need to Enable it in your Back Office


Please contact our Team if you are interested in using Doshii

as some steps need to be set up by us & the Doshii Team.

contact us: 1300 166 546

  1. In your Back Office => Go to Features => Integrations => click on ' Doshii ' :``

2. Click on ' Enable ' :

3. You will be redirected to ' Settings '

  • Store: If you have multiple Stores, Toggle On the one you need.

  • Select a Menu: Doshii will contact you to know which items of the menu you would like to sell on Doordash, Uber Eats, .. & alter the prices if needed, so don't worry about creating a custom menu, you can choose what to show or not.

  • Price List: Select a price list ( ex: ' Happy Hour ' ) if you want to use that one, otherwise leave ' Standard ' & the prices can be changed in Doshii directly )

    => SAVE :


In your Settings you can:

  • Auto-Accept Orders ( or not )

  • Change Menus / Price Lists

  • Select which Devices will accept Doshii Orders

  • Set a Preparation Time

  1. To access your Settings => click on the ' Cog Icon ' :


From here you can Edit:

  • Select Menu: Doshii will contact you to know which items of the menu you would like to sell on Doordash, Uber Eats, .. & alter the prices if needed, so don't worry about creating a custom menu, you can choose what to show or not.

  • Select Price List: Select a price list ( ex: ' Happy Hour ' ) if you want to use that one, otherwise leave ' Standard ' & the prices can be changed in Doshii directly )

  • Select Devices: If you have more than 1 POS / iPad: you can choose to receive your online orders on 1 or more POS.

    We recommend you choose 1 or 2 POS to receive orders to avoid having too many staff members using it during the service & getting confused.

Auto Accept Orders

Print Routing Device:

Select the Device you want to use to follow the same printing rules ( your Doshii orders will print the same way )

Default Prep Time ( mins ) :

This time will be added to your orders for your Customers to know what the waiting time will be.

If you input a Prep Time in you Doordash, Uber, ... those times will override the ones inputted here.

Auto Accept Orders :

  • DISABLED: Your POS will start ringing & display an ' Orange Dot ' on the ' Online ' screen, Orders will be located under ' Pending ' => from here you can Accept or Reject Orders coming in => once accepted, Orders will print.

    This is the best option for low volume orders to have a better control & be able to reject orders if needed.

To Accept Orders:

In ' Pending ' => click on ' Accept ' => the order will move to ' In Progress ' when accepted :

  • ENABLED: If ' Auto Accept Orders ' is Enabled => the Orders will automatically be redirected to ' In Progress '


    Orders cannot be ' rejected ' when ' Auto Accept Orders ' is Enabled => you can contact the customers & refund them if needed.

' In Progress ' => When you press ' Complete ' => the Order will be redirected to ' Completed ' :

To Reject Orders :

In ' Pending ' => click on the order to display it => from here you can ' Accept ' or ' Reject ' the order:

If you click on ' Reject ' => the Order will be redirected to ' Cancelled ' :

You can click on an order to display its information:

Operating Hours

From here you can define your Operating Hours


The hours set in Doshii, Uber Eats , ... will override those hours

Contact Doshii directly to change those hours

Add New Products

If you created new Products in your Back Office

& want them to be sellable on your Uber Eats or Doordash:

You need to update it in your Doshii settings

  1. In your Back Office => Go to Features => Integrations => click on ' Doshii ' :

2. Under ' Settings ' => Change your Menu to another random menu:

3. Change back to the menu you are using in Doshii (it doesn't need to be named 'Doshii Menu' it can just be your standard menu ) => SAVE :

Your Products will automatically be 'pushed' to the Doshii dashboard

Change a Product's Price

You can sell a Pizza for $20 in your Venue :

but want to sell it for $25 in DoorDash & $23 in Uber Eats

Not a Problem !

Contact your Doshii Account Manager & let them know

so they can change the prices on their ends

Add Surcharges / Discounts

Whether it's a public holiday surcharge, a special Discount or other ...

If you were using those before signing with Doshii:

They will automatically be imported too:

Let your Doshii Account Manager know if you need to apply them online or not.

If you've created new Surcharges / Discount you want to apply on Doshii:

Follow the steps ABOVE to 'push' the changes to the Doshii Dashboard


In order to have the ' Online ' screen showing on your POS:

you need to enable it in your Device Profiles,

you can create a custom profile or use an existing one

  1. In your Back Office => Settings => My Store :


Venues & Stores ( if you have multiple venues ) => select a STORE :

2. Select the Device Profile applied on your Device used to receive Doshii Orders, or create a new one:

Learn more about ' Device Profiles ', in this article: DEVICE PROFILES

3. Under ' Options ' => Toggle On ' Enable Online Orders ' => Save :


Sales Channels are: ' Uber Eats ' , ' Doordash ' , ...

they allow you to understand on which channel your order is received

  1. You can find your Sales Channels under the ' Online ' screen :

Make sure to create the Sales Channels in your Back Office :

If you don't have the right Sales Channel => click on ' Create + ' :


Your Doshii orders are automatically added in your daily reports

Learn how to find your Doshii orders in your Reports & analyse your sales,

in this article:


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