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Create and Manage Other Payment Types

Payment types are: Card, Cash, Gift Cards, Deposit, ...

Updated over a year ago

Payment Types

In this modern and digitalized world, apart from the two most common payment methods - card and cash, restaurants also have to be capable of offering other payment options such as VISA and e-Wallet to their customers.

Therefore, the Oolio Platform is also built with an option for the users to add their own payment types, which can later be used to complete an order in POS App.

In This Article:

Create A Payment Option

In order to create another option besides Card and Cash, which will be originally initiated, firstly, click on “Settings”, then “Payment Types”.

Next, in the “Payment Types” screen, click on the “Create” button to begin adding a new payment type.

On the “Create Payment Type” modal, first and foremost, key in the name of the payment type into the “Payment Type Name” field. Then, you can choose to tick on the three following options:

  • Require Customer: Selecting this option will require the confirmation from a customer upon using this payment method in the POS App.

  • Surcharge Prompt: Selecting this option will apply surcharge prompt on the payment type.

After you have done inputting the payment type’s name and its options, click on the “Create Payment Type” button to finish the creating process. Finally, click on the “Save” button at the bottom right of the “Payment Types” screen to confirm all the creation.

Edit A Payment Option

To edit a payment type, firstly, click on “Settings”, then “Payment Types”.

Then, in the “Payment Types” screen, you can edit the name of your payment type.

Additionally, you can have surcharge prompt apply to a payment type by ticking on the correspondent check-box.

Finally, click on the “Save” button to finish editing your payment type.

Delete A Payment Option

To delete a payment type, firstly, click on “Settings”, then “Payment Types”:

Then, in the “Payment Types” screen, click on the “Delete” button next to a payment type to delete it.

⚠️ Grey Coloured ' Trash Icons ' are Default Payment Types and cannot be removed.

Finally, click on the “Save” button to confirm the deletion.

How ' PAYMENT TYPES ' are displayed in POS

After setting up the payment type, if you complete an order by clicking on "Pay Now" on POS

You will be able to see and select the previously added payment type in the screen that displays.


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