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Create Categories & Pages

Learn to Create New Categories & Assign them to Pages

Updated over a week ago

Menus contains: PAGES & CATEGORIES

  • PAGES: are displayed on the Right Side of your POS.

    • a PAGE contains CATEGORIES, those CATEGORIES contain PRODUCTS

    • a PAGE can contain many CATEGORIES

  • CATEGORIES: are displayed within a Page. They contain PRODUCTS

    • PRODUCTS belongs to a specific CATEGORY

    • a CATEGORY can contain many PRODUCTS

    • CATEGORIES can be reused in many PAGES

For example:


contain 2x CATEGORIES: ‘Coffees’ / ‘Teas’:

In this Article:



  • The reasons to separate Products into categories are:

  1. To find your products easily in the Office as they are categorised

  2. To reassigned Categories to different pages: for example if we start having too many teas: we can create a ‘Tea Page’ and reassigned the category Tea:

  3. For Online Store: You can choose to sell your category ‘Coffee’ Online but not the ‘Tea’ Category for example.

  4. Several Menus options: your lunch menu might include ‘Coffees’ but after 6pm your menus changes and you no longer want to sell Coffees.

  5. For Your Reports: you can easily assign your reporting groups to your categories for better reporting.


Office ⇒ Products ⇒ Categories ⇒ Create

You can assign Products directly to your new category if they’ve already been created:

Or after creating your category:

Office ⇒ Products ⇒ Products ⇒ All Categories ⇒ Select wanted Category ⇒ Create (new product)

By default your new product will be added to the category automatically:


2 ways

Back Office => Products => Menus => Standard Menu

(you may have more options than ‘Standard Menu’ if you have several menus or an online store)

Standard Menu

  1. To Create a New Page => Type the name of the Page => click on :

    ( for example: ' COFFEES & TEAS ' )

Edit the Page you created by clicking on the ' Pen Icon '

  1. Assign your Categories to your new page:

2. SAVE:


Menu Layout

To learn how to import / create Pages & Categories in your Menu Layout,

see this article:


Learn how to remove Pages, Categories, Products from your Menu

Remove a PAGE from a MENU :

To learn 2 ways to Remove Pages in your Menu easily,

see this article:

Remove a CATEGORY from a PAGE :

In your Page => Untick the Category => SAVE

( It will automatically disappear from the Page )

  • This is our Page with our Teas Included:

  • This is our Page with our Teas Excluded:

Remove a PRODUCT from a CATEGORY

To Remove a Product from a Category, you need to delete the Product itself,

or assign a different Category to your Product

  • Delete the Product:

To Learn how to delete a Product completely,

see this article:

  • Assign a Product to a different Category:

  1. In your Back Office => Products => Products => Select a Category or search your Product => Edit your Product using ' Pen Icon ' :

2. Under ' General ' => change the Category to your preferred one => SAVE:


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