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Connect / Login to your POS, Create Device Profiles, Link Card Terminals & Printers, add your Logo, ...

Updated over a week ago


An all-in-one automated ordering systems

Let your customers order & pay directly from kiosk

In this article:


1st step is to define the Profile of your Kiosk:

  • Menu to display

  • Order by: Customer Name or Number

  • Price Lists ( ex: ' Happy Hour ' )

  • Add a Logo & background image

  • Order Types available ( ex: ' Dine In' , ' Takeaway ' )

  1. In your Back Office => Settings => My Store :

    <a href=";signature=8d3b271c4a8d8d3de9ebfbf416a299505b7116beb8cf81a5b2018d04d07d448e&amp;req=cicuH8F7moNfFb4X1HO4gaAYOK3LiveQKE8zCIXC3uZ%2F9Iz5EyZwMbzCoa7E%0A" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer"></a>


  1. Venues & Stores (if you have multiple venues) => STORE :

<a href=";signature=825a7674aa807fd726af551d74e84845dc88b9be5b55dc063ef006eb6d660593&amp;req=cicuH8F7moFaFb4X1HO4gThl%2FvhMjk3r9NSULvlb8qy4pZeMs%2BdjEifSpgmq%0A" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer"></a>
<a href=";signature=5c5d45d0a5b0db72d80cb56408410a5f7f7014ffde5170d1a20b2a572da1befd&amp;req=cicuH8F7moVdFb4X1HO4gRSZJskQ6CZgduAqTHEsIFTvRUfpLmqrWluL4i8S%0A" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener noreferrer"></a>

2. Go to ' Device Profiles ' => Create + :

3. Profile Name: Input a name that make sense to you

( using ' kiosk ' in the name helps you find it easily if you have many profiles for other

devices )

Profile Type: Kiosk App ( do not select anything else )

=> Create :

4. Click on your newly create Kiosk Device Profile:


1. Under ' Details ' => Edit all the options according to your prefered workflow:

  • Profile Name: You can edit the name of your device profile here.

  • Order Identifier:

    - Token ID: a unique number will be printed on your customer's receipts for them to know when their order is ready :

- Customer Name: Your Customer will be prompted to add their names which will

print, this way you can call them by name when the order is ready:

  • Menu: You can use your Standard Menu or a custom one for your Kiosk

    ( Learn how to Create new Menus, in this article: CREATE MENUS )

  • Price List: You can choose your standart Price list or select a custom one,

    for example: ' Happy Hour '

    ( Learn how to Create Price Lists, in this article: SET UP: PRICE LISTS )

  • Order Type: You can choose either ' Takeaway ' or ' Dine In ' or both. Your customer will be prompted to choose if you offer both & will reflect on your dockets:

2. SAVE :


  1. Under ' Branding ' => Upload your Business Logo & a Background image for your Kiosk:

2. SAVE :

This is how it will look on your KIOSK :


Once your Device Profile is created for your KIOSK:

you can create a Device & assign the profile to it

  1. In your Back Office => Settings => My Store ( Or ' Venues & Stores ' => Store ) => Devices => CREATE + :

2. Device Name: Input a name that make sense to you

( using ' kiosk ' in the name helps you find it easily if you have many profiles for other

devices )

Device Type: Kiosk App ( do not choose anything else )

Device Profile: Your Kiosk device profile created above

=> Create Device :

3. Click on your newly created KIOSK Device:


  1. Under ' Details ' => Link your payment terminal to your kiosk:

( Learn how to link card terminal, in this article: SETTING UP: PAYMENT TERMINALS )


  1. Under ' Printing ' => Decide where your KIOSK Orders will print:

    • Receipt Printing: this is the printer located under under your KIOSK that will print your customers receipts with their order number / customer name on it:

  • Other Printers: depending on your business you might have 1 or more printers: in your Kitchen, Bar, ... Set those as usual.

( Learn how to set up Printers, in this article: SET UP: PRINTERS )


Once your Device Profile & Device are created, you can start using your KIOSK:

  1. In your KIOSK => Scan the QR code using your phone's camera:

2. Click on the link displaying ' ':

3. On your Phone => a pop-up will appear asking you to confirm the the 8 digits code is matching the one on your KIOSK => Confirm:

4. A ' Congratulation ' message will appear on your phone:

5. In your KIOSK => If you have several stores => choose the store using that particular


6. You will be asked to select your KIOSK device:

7. You are now connected & can start using your KIOSK:


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